Publisher’s note: We haven’t written about the US Empire’s “forced injection” program since 2016’s Vermont-wide screening of the issue. Here, the Del Bigtree, who has spent years researching this issue, brings us up to speed. Take notes. And then organize. Support the sovereignty of our individual bodies, and a free Vermont!

The lecture discusses the revelations of CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson, who has provided 10,000 documents that back up his claim that the CDC knowingly committed scientific fraud to hide the connection between the MMR vaccine and autism. It shows how Del’s journey across America with the film has made him aware of a severe health crisis being caused by vaccines. Del Bigtree explains the danger of vaccine mandates like the new law in California Sb27.

February 6, 2019

The US Empire’s “Forced Injection” Program (HEALTHY PEOPLE 2020?)

Publisher’s note: We haven’t written about the US Empire’s “forced injection” program since 2016’s Vermont-wide screening of the issue. Here, the Del Bigtree, who has spent […]
October 21, 2016

Vax’ing Eloquent: Vermonters Put The MMR Vaccine Under The Microscope

NOTE: Visit for detailed information and tickets re: “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe” at 9 screenings around the once-and-future Republic of Vermont. Drop the phrase […]