Most Likely to Secede: What the Vermont Independence Movement Can Teach Us about Reclaiming Community and Creating a Human-Scale Vision for the 21st Century
by Ron Miller and Rob Williams, co-editors

GOODREADS Review by Chris Brimmer
Feb 06, 2017

bookshelves: essay, economics, energy, history, original-source, philosophy, public-policy, sustainable-technology, urban-studies (four of five stars)

Read from January 24 to February 04, 2017

This book really demonstrates the value of a good editor when dealing with a collection of essays such as these. Miller and Williams could have easily allowed this volume to become nothing more than a sprawling rant that however satisfying would have had little nutritional value. Instead we have a collection of thoughtful policy pieces and quality thought experiments.

In an era where our activities are profoundly changing the climate and the limits to growth are becoming painfully apparent, these essayists offer a refreshingly human scale alternative to a future of resource wars and green zone compounds for those lucky enough to afford them. The upshot is that the stated premise isn’t really the point. In thinking outside the usual prescription, the authors and editors offer a trove of interesting ideas and avenues of investigation worthy of further examination whether you buy into the 2nd Vermont Republic or not. Even in failure of his ultimate goal, Rob Williams just may be Vermont’s most useful citizen and one worthy of considered attention.

Purchase the book right here at our Vermont Independent STORE.